Tuesday, August 20, 2013

wiggles and me, and an excting trip to the farm

a night to remember
last summer, my pet pig wiggles and I visited my uncles farm. little did we know what was waiting for us.we arrived late at night,and I  heard a  rustling in the bushes. I spun around but there was nothing there. We went upstairs to the guest room to unpack. I heard something scratching on the window. Wiggles snorted alarmingly, which kinda creeped me out because he was usally a calm,quiet pig. My uncle came up and tucked me in bed while my parents left. Wiggles fell asleep in his cardboard box. soon my uncle was asleep but I couldn't fall asleep. my uncles cat peek-a-boo was curled up at the foot of the bed. I heard a howling,whistling sound by the window. peek-a-boo screeched a terrible yowl and hissed until I went over to the window. Wiggles got up and followed me, but I still didn't know what it was. peek-a-boo hid under the covers while wiggles stayed by my side. I patted his little pink head. Suddenly, a blurred white figure swished by the window. I screamed, and jumped back into bed. my scream scared wiggles and he trotted under my bed. the closet door was open a crack, and peek-a-boo ran into the door slamming it shut just as i was drifting to sleep. that woke me up again, and i heard yowling coming from outside. peek-a-boo jumped to the window sill, and meowed out the open window threateningly. I lifted wiggles into his bed but peek-a-boo wouldn't budge. I still couldn't sleep from peekies constant hisses and yowls coming from outside. since I couldn't sleep I went outside with wiggles and peekie. peek-a-boo imeditately started meowing and marking the grass. wiggles trotted up to the bush we saw earlier and sniffed intensley. peek-a-boo followed and the bush started crying and yowling. peekie leaped back hissing and wiggles went right in. i tried to pull him out but he kept going.i reached my hand underneath and felt something soft and silky run along my hand. i tried to grab it,and it went darting out of the bush and down the yard. wiggles stormed after running as fast as his little legs could carry him. i ran after wiggles calling,"WIGGLES, GET BACK HERE!!!! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!?!?!" peekie darted past me and the little black figure took off down the cornfield. ive heard rumors of coyotes in the area but I didn't believe them until I saw glowing yellow eyes between the corn stalks. wiggles came up to me with a little black fuzzball carefully in his mouth. I picked it up and a little black and white tuxedo kitten looked up at me. it clawed my arm trying to get down when it saw peekie, but I held on tight. peekie took off again, towards the barn in pure fright. I turned around and saw the coyotes yellow eyes right next to me. i told wigglers to go back inside but he stayed by my side. the coyote squatted as if he was ready to pounce and wiggles squealed like a maniac. it seemed to shock the coyote, especially when peekie leaped out from behind. how she got there,i didnt know, but I did know I was leaving.I scopped her up just as the coyote lashed out at her. wiggles ran up to it squealing and snorting and i took off, calling wiggles. he zipped after me, as i ran, a kitty in each arm, a pig chasing me, and leaving the coyote  behind. I took her inside,and as i was examing her and feeding wiggles and peekie treats, i could have sworn i saw that coyote in the small kitchen window, snarling and then disappearing into the dark night.
i adopted the kitten,my now 1 year old cat sophie, and we all live together, wiggles,sophie, my dog ringo, and me in my coyote free neighberhood.

1 comment:

  1. awesome story. I really liked it. do you really have pet pigs? check out my cats stories on thewittyittybittykittycommittee.blogspot.com.
    i hope you like it
    xoxo hugs and kisses xoxo
    kathyluvskatz and Sunflower
    ps if you have a cheezburger site, please visit my blog and you can submit it!
